Human Affairs

The Decency of Crooks

After the battle, Thrandur proposed that they should kill the boys, Sigmundur and Thorir.
“I’m not going to kill them,” replied Bjarni evenly.
Thrandur frowned, “If they go free, someday these boys will be the death of nearly every man here.”
Bjarni answered, “I wouldn’t kill them any more than I would kill myself.” […]


Pirate v. Pirate in the Far North

“Here Sigmundur showed his skill; he tossed his sword with a flourish aloft and he caught it with his left hand, holding his shield in his right. He slashed at Randver with his sword and cut his right leg clear off below the knee. Randver pitched over, and Sigmundur gave him a blow to the neck which severed off his head.” […]


Farmers vs. Vikings

“Sigmundur cut his way forward easily, fighting with a two-handed sword. When he came upon Bjorn’s standard-bearer, he dispatched the man with a lethal blow. He called to his men to break their shield formation when he saw Bjorn himself directly ahead.” […]


Death of a Viking Legend

“In the thick of the fighting, Bui and Sigmundur closed on one another in single combat. Bui was the stronger man, but Sigmundur was the quicker and better with a sword. Sigmundur switched his weapon to his other hand, as he could fight equally well with either hand – something which few or no men can do – and in a blinding slash, he cut off one of Bui’s hands at the wrist.” […]

Human Affairs

Conversion by the Sword

“Now I’m going to present you with two extremely unequal options. The better one is that you convert to the true faith and be baptized. If you are unwilling to do this, then the other option is that we’ll kill you right here and now.” […]

Human Affairs

No Respite from an Implacable Foe

“Then Thorir said, “All of our lives, Sigmundur, we’ve been together. You’ve been my only family, and I’ve been yours. But now it seems likely that our dear partnership is coming to an end. I’ve swam as far as I can. I want you to save yourself … save your own life, and forget about me. Because you’ll die, my brother, if you try to save me too.”” […]


Bold Action Saves the Day

““There’s little we can do,” replied Sigmundur. “The only chance is to row straight at them and get them to drop their sail, and as our ship comes alongside theirs, you both draw your swords and try to cut the rope-lines on their gunnels so they can’t raise the sail again, and I’ll try to do what I can.”” […]

Human Affairs

A Hostile Chat Amongst Hostile Folks

“Snaeulfur grabbed a spear and threw it at him. Hafgrimur raised his shield in defense and the spear pierced it deeply, but he was not wounded. The two men parted company as matters stood, and Hafgrimmur sailed home to South Island, very dissatisfied with the meeting.” […]