Boys and their Birds
“He acquiesced; and the lady, after salutation, requested him to let her touch the bird. No sooner was it in her possession, than she wrenched its head from the body.” […]
“He acquiesced; and the lady, after salutation, requested him to let her touch the bird. No sooner was it in her possession, than she wrenched its head from the body.” […]
“It happened that the female stork brought forth young, and the male flew about to procure food. Now, while he was absent, the female admitted a gallant; and before the return of the male went down to the fountain to wash herself, in order that the other might perceive no disorder in her appearance.” […]
“Nevertheless, a king must be allowed to seek diversion now and then, either with hawks, hounds, horses, or weapons, so that his health and agility at arms or in any form of warfare may be preserved.” […]
“He picked up white gloves, embroidered with gold. He struck up the tune called “Headdress Blower”, and all the headdresses flew off the women and danced above the cross-beam. The women and all the men jumped up, and not a thing there stayed still.” […]
“He was unarmed, and he went dancing like the others, until he came before the king. Then he raised his fist and punched the king in the nose so fast that three teeth flew out of his mouth.” […]
“Nor is it a good thing when listeners find fault with a story just because it happens to be uninformative or clumsily told.” […]
“And constantly, for three days thereafter, there was a great bee come to her. And upon one morning, when she was changing her shirt, it did sit down upon her shoulder (she being naked) where she had one of the marks.” […]
“Often when she was alone with other actors she would undress in their midst and arch her back provocatively, advertising like a peacock both to those who had experience of her and to those who had not yet had that privilege her trained suppleness.” […]
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