Britons and Celts

Chariot of the Britons

“Thus they combine the mobility of cavalry with the staying power of infantry; and by daily training and practice they attain such proficiency that even on a steep incline they are able to control the horses at full gallop, and to check and turn them in a moment.” […]


The Honesty of a Goldsmith

“The goldsmith on hearing this remained silent as if it were no great moment. But when the job was finished and delivered, he asked for and obtained a few days off. He met the duke, and standing in his path as he was going to the affair, he related to him what he had heard.” […]

Eastern Europe

Skiers of Bulgaria

“In this way, he moves over the snow at speed and if it were not for their ingenious contrivance, it would be absolutely impossible to walk, for the snow lies on the earth like sand and never hardens.” […]

Medieval Mentality

Up Close With a Siege Engine

“A wooden bridge was attached to the towering machine; it reached out at a height that would enable it to be let down a little above the oak wall and thus provide easy entry into the castle for those coming across it.” […]