Human Affairs

The Sex-Trap

” His wiliness (said these) would be most readily detected, if a fair woman were put in his way in some secluded place, who should provoke his mind to the temptations of love; all men’s natural temper being too blindly amorous to be artfully dissembled, and this passion being also too impetuous to be checked by cunning. ” […]

Medieval Mentality

Wisdom Wins the Day

“The twelve tall trees, each of which had thirty branches, are the twelve months of the year; twelve times the moon is renewed in her place, like a new king seated on his thrones, and each month has thirty days; this is how time passes.” […]


Bringing the Demons to Heel

“, “Don’t kill us, we can teach you something new and highly profitable.” The king granted them their lives on condition that they reveal their secrets to him, and when he had freed them from their chains they had no choice but to obey him.” […]


A Winning Sea Strategy

“For the soldiers of Hother performed the bidding of their king, and kept off the attack of the spears by a penthouse of interlocked shields; while not a few of the spears smote lightly on the bosses and fell into the waves.” […]


Crazy Beats Good

“He rowed up to the enemy fleet at night, bored the bottoms of their ships with an auger, and to prevent a sudden in-rush of the sea plugged the gaping holes with the pins he had provided, temporarily repairing the damage.” […]