Human Affairs

Never in a Goat’s Eye

The patient felt no pain; but added, “I wish you would hasten to restore my eyes.” The operator cheerfully complied; but as he prepared his implements, a crow entered by an open window, and, seeing the eyes upon the table, snatched one of them up, and flew away with it.” […]

Greek and Roman

War of the Deathless Gods

“Then Zeus no longer held back his might; but straight his heart was filled with fury and he showed forth all his strength. From Heaven and from Olympus he came forthwith, hurling his lightning: the bold flew thick and fast from his strong hand together with thunder and lightning, whirling an awesome flame.” […]


The Dangers of Medieval Comedy

“On seeing him enter, al-Rashid said: ‘They tell me that you say very amusing things. Let us have a sample of your quality; but I must warn you that, if you do not make me laugh, the stick awaits you.'” […]

Medieval Mentality

The City of the Gods

“‘That is a senseless question,’ replied Har, with a smile of derision. ‘Hast thou not been told that the gods made a bridge from earth to heaven, and called it Bifrost? Thou must surely have seen it; but, perhaps, thou callest it the rainbow.'” […]

Greek and Roman

A Stygian Oath

“For whoever of the deathless gods that hold the peaks of snowy Olympus pours a libation of her water is forsworn, lies breathless until a full year is completed, and never comes near to taste ambrosia and nectar, but lies spiritless and voiceless on a strewn bed: and a heavy trance overshadows him.” […]


A Comedian in His Bones

Long time ago a clownish fellow lived in that country; his name was Klefsan. It is told of this own that there was never a man who, when he saw Klefsan, was not compelled to laugh at his amusing and absurd remarks.” […]


The Mystery of the Semen Stain

“‘O Abu Yusuf, tell me what this stain may be?’ The kadi went up to the bed, placed his finger in the middle of the stain, carried it to his eye and his nose, and then said; ‘Commander of the Faithful, it is a man’s semen.'” […]