Britons and Celts

Poor Men Sorely Swinked

“Wa-la-wa! that any man should be so moody, so to upheave himself, and think himself above all other men! May almighty God have mild-heartedness on his soul, and give him forgiveness of his sins!” […]

Eastern Europe

Law of the Rich, Laws of the Poor

“. If a Russ commits assault with a sword, spear, or any other weapon, he who has committed this crime shall pay five pounds of silver according to the Russian law, but if he is poor, all his available property shall be sold, even to the garments he walks in, and those too shall be taken from him.” […]


Victory for the People

“Some reached the ships again, but in their terror they missed their footing and plunged into the water, while others overloaded some of the boats and capsized them so that as a result only a very few survived.” […]

Britons and Celts

Reign of the Pirate Priest

“He then made a descent on the provinces of Scotland, wasting all before him with rapine and slaughter; but whenever the royal army was dispatched against him, he eluded the whole warlike preparation, either by retreating to distant forests, or taking to the sea; and when the troops had retired, he again issued from his hiding-places to ravage the provinces.” […]