Britons and Celts

Dangerous at any Time

“Wallace unmov’d, the impetuous shock sustains,
And awful joy his gloomy brow serenes.
Straight rising to the blow, he aim’d a wound,
And brought his enemy stagg’ring to the ground.” […]

Greek and Roman

History of Heracles

“. Likewise, both the club and the lion’s skin are appropriate to their ancient Heracles, because in those days arms had not yet been invented, and men defended themselves against their enemies with clubs of wood and used the hides of animals for defensive armour.” […]

Britons and Celts

Dragon’s Future for Britain

“. A fifth Dragon will replace the two dead ones and will destroy the two left alive by various stratagems. It will climb on the back of one, holding a sword in its claws, and hack its head away from its body.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Beast in Battle

“The youthful captain of the Scot in ire,
Us’d to the wars, exerts his glorious fire,
Runs through the crowd, mows them down like grass,
Whilst he invulnerable stands like brass.” […]


Etiquette for the Great Khan

“Next, every baron or nobleman continually carries with him a little vessel of pleasing design into which he spits so long as he is in the hall, so that no one may make so bold as to spit on the floor; and when he has spat he cover it and keeps it.” […]

Greek and Roman

A Vision of Paradise

“All round stand great trees of pellucid crystal, whose fruit is drinking-cups of every shape and size. A guest arriving plucks a cup or two and sets them at his place, where they at once fill with wine. ” […]

Britons and Celts

Romance of a Scottish Legend

“The lovers met, and now a modest kiss
Lifts up the hero’s soul to laughing bliss.
Love feels the alarm, starts up in fond surprise,
And through his veins anew impetuous flies,
Inflames his soul, and sparkles through his eyes.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Death of Remus

A second time Remus cast insults at the labourers, and said they were making the ditch too narrow. “Why, enemies will get over it with no trouble; see, I can do it myself, easily.” And with these words he leaped over it. A certain Celer, one of the labourers, answered him, “I will exact vengeance of the man who jumps over the ditch, even as the king commanded.” […]