Human Affairs

DJ Viking Rocks the Scene

“He picked up white gloves, embroidered with gold. He struck up the tune called “Headdress Blower”, and all the headdresses flew off the women and danced above the cross-beam. The women and all the men jumped up, and not a thing there stayed still.” […]


Battle of the Were-Beasts

“King Harek came to his senses and suddenly turned into a wild boar. He seized Herraud with his tusks and tore off all his armor, and sunk his teeth in his breast and ripped off both his nipples to the bone.” […]

Human Affairs

A Destructive Dance

“He was unarmed, and he went dancing like the others, until he came before the king. Then he raised his fist and punched the king in the nose so fast that three teeth flew out of his mouth.” […]