Greek and Roman

Wisdom of the Ancients

THE SCENE: On topics as diverse as “what’s the right age to get married?” to “should I shit in a river?”, the 8th Century BC writer Hesiod has an answer to all your ancient etiquette […]

Greek and Roman

A Vision of Paradise

“All round stand great trees of pellucid crystal, whose fruit is drinking-cups of every shape and size. A guest arriving plucks a cup or two and sets them at his place, where they at once fill with wine. ” […]

Britons and Celts

History of a Strange Cup

“A certain rustic belonging to the village, going to see his friend, who resided in the neighboring hamlet, was returning, a little intoxicated, late at night; when, behold, he heard, as it were, the voice of singing and reveling on an adjacent hillock.” […]


An Annoying Devil

“The Pope crossed himself before taking meat, and at that moment Doctor Faustus did blow hard into his face. Every time the Pope crossed himself, Faustus would blow into his face again.” […]