A Dirty Rotten Prank
“He took a lozenge, put it in his mouth, and chewed it apace, by means whereof when the fume ascended he began to spattle and spit, saying by Gods bones it is a Cat’s turd.” […]
“He took a lozenge, put it in his mouth, and chewed it apace, by means whereof when the fume ascended he began to spattle and spit, saying by Gods bones it is a Cat’s turd.” […]
“My mouth and my nose purged exceedingly, such yellow, white and tawny fluids as I never saw before, nor thought that any such had been in man’s body. ” […]
“And as I was there about, a crow which belike was by nodding asleep on the chimney top, fell down into the chimney over my head, whose flittering in the fall made such a noise, that when I felt his feet upon my head I thought that the devil had been come indeed and seized upon me. And when I cast up my hand to save me and therewith touched him, he called me knave in his language after such a sort that I swooned for fear.” […]
“For the old Priest which was so tumbled among them that his face lay upon a boys bare ass, which belike was fallen headlong under him was so astonished; then when the boy (which for fear beshit himself) had raised his face, he neither felt nor smelt it nor removed from him.” […]
“But I minding another thing, and seeing that scratching could not move him, suddenly I leapt up and caught him by the genitals with my teeth, and bit so hard, that at last he cried out.” […]
“For one Cat which was a mighty big one, gray haired, bristle-bearded, and having broad eyes which shone and sparkled like two stars, sat in the midst, and on either side of her sat another, and before her stood three more, whereof one mewed continually, save when the great cat groaned, & ever when the great cat had finished groaned, this mewing cat began again, first stretching out her neck & as it were making courtesies to them which sat.” […]
“For being on a time sitting at dinner in a house among his friends : he harkened diligently to a Sparrow that came flying and chirping to others that were about the house, & smiled to himself to hear her. When one of the company desired to know why he smiled : he told him the sparrow’s tale.” […]
“here is also in Ireland one nation, whereof for one man and woman are at every seven years end turned into wolves, and so continue in the woods the space of seven years and if they happen to live out the time, they return to their own form again.” […]
“They are so cunning that they can change the shapes of things as they list at their pleasure & so deceive the people thereby that an act was made in Ireland, that no man should buy any red swine.” […]
When the sheep was cooked and he thought to eat it there came in a cat and she sat by him, and said in Irish, ‘Shane foel’, which is ‘give me some meat’. He, amazed at this, gave her the quarter that was in his hand, which immediately she did eat up, and asked for more.” […]
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