The Emperor and the Academics
“You don’t give me good advice, my friends,” said Favorinus, “when you don’t allow me to believe the man who possesses 30 legions to be more learned than anyone else!” […]
“You don’t give me good advice, my friends,” said Favorinus, “when you don’t allow me to believe the man who possesses 30 legions to be more learned than anyone else!” […]
“All the Spaniards had been summoned to an assembly at Tarraco and were “jokingly expressing reluctance” – to use Marius Maximums’ actual words – over conscription. ” […]
“Nor would he appoint anyone tribune who did not have a full beard or was not of an age to assume the powers of the tribunate with prudence and maturity.” […]
“For he says that Albinus, when hungry, ate give hundred dried figs, a hundred Campanian peaches, ten Ostian melons, twenty pounds of Labican grapes, a hundred fig-peckers and four hundred oysters.” […]
“It is of interest to know the way in which he is said to have taken his stepmother Julia as his wife. She was very beautiful and, as if through carelessness, had uncovered the greater part of her body.” […]
“He ate sparingly, being very addicted to his native vegetable, sometimes found of wine, often abstaining from meat.” […]
“He made a public bath in the palace and at the same time made the baths of Plautianus available to the people, so that he might thereby collect paramours from among men with large organs.” […]
“When the facts had been established, he ordered two oxen of extraordinary size to be cut open suddenly, while still alive, and the soldiers to be thrust one into each, with their heads protruding so that they could talk to each other. ” […]
“He made a habit of propounding problems to grammarians, asking them to say what sounds different animals make, for example: lambs bleat, pigs grunt, doves coo, bears growl, lions roar, leopards snarl, elephants trumpet, frogs croak, horses neigh, bulls bellow – and he would confirm these from old writers.” […]
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