Greek and Roman

The Crimes of a Nice Emperor

“The charge of pride was also leveled him, although he had been very humble even as emperor – moreover he was, on the contrary, very polite at banquets, very liberal with signing petitions, and very reasonable over cases of personal freedom.” […]

Greek and Roman

Omens Are Everywhere

“Another time, when he was sleeping in a tavern, a snake wound itself round his head, and when his friends were alarmed and shouted out, the creature went away without harming him.” […]

Greek and Roman

An Emperor and Gladiator

“For such things as these, to be sure, he was strong enough, but otherwise he was weak and feeble, even having something wrong with him in the groin, which stuck out so much that the Roman people could detect the swelling through his silk clothing. Many verses were written on this subject. ” […]

Greek and Roman

To Fool an Emperor

“Hence the following story has also become well known: when he had refused a request to a certain gray-haired man, and the same man petitioned again, but with dyed hair.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Emperor in the Bath

“But on another day when several old men were rubbing themselves on the wall to arouse the emperor’s generosity, he ordered them to be called out and to rub each other down in turn.” […]