Britons and Celts

The Dog of War

” While the dogs were unleashed and they were running about in all directions chasing wild beasts for about the length of a day, a certain hound, which used to follow the scent on the tracks of the beasts, was stolen away by the Picts, and was immediately discovered in their possession.” […]



“And he said to Heym: ‘I would just as readily have a woman’s help as yours, for you were bad to me. We were fighting 2 against 5, and you stood by and watched, and would not help us. When I see you rewarded for this, it will not be forgotten.'” […]

Britons and Celts

Arthur’s Wrath

“He made worthy widows wail with sorrow,
Weeping and howling they wrung their hands.
And everywhere in his wake he wasted through war
Their wealth and their houses, and awoke their woe.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Revenge of Gawain

“Then he rode into the host, hacking through helmets,
Riving off rivets and ripping through shields,
Causing carnage in the ranks but keeping his course,
Rampaging through the rearguard and riding onward,
Then reigning back, that right royal battler,
And returning to the ranks of his own Round Table.” […]


The Dangers of Medieval Comedy

“On seeing him enter, al-Rashid said: ‘They tell me that you say very amusing things. Let us have a sample of your quality; but I must warn you that, if you do not make me laugh, the stick awaits you.'” […]