
Rest Not in Peace

“As the summer passed, they became aware that Thorolf was not resting in peace. People could never go outside in peace once the sun had set. As well as that, the oxen that had hauled Thorolf to his grave had been ridden by trolls, and all livestock which came anywhere near Thorolf’s cairn ran wild and bellowed themselves to death.” […]

Human Affairs

The Mad Bull and the Brave Man

“Then he leapt up on to the bull’s neck and clasped his arms below his throat, lying there on the bull’s head between his horns, in the hope of tiring him out. But the bull raced back and forward across the field with him on top.” […]


Revenge of the Fisherman

“Hall demanded that he should both divide and take the first choice, for he thought himself the better man. Thorolf refused to surrender his rights and became very abusive. Words were exchanged, and neither would give way; then Hall snatched up a gaff lying nearby and tried to drive it into Thorolf’s head, but people intervened and restrained him.” […]

Human Affairs

King-class Fashion

“You must have neither hat nor cap nor other covering on your head; for one must appear before lords with uncovered head and ungloved hands, with a blithe face and with limbs and body thoroughly bathed.” […]


The Might of the Cow

“The cow was turned loose, and she charged in front of the ranks and bellowed horribly, and there was such great confusion among the fighters who heard it that they fought each other, except for the two brothers who managed to hold out. The evil creature gored many men wither her horns that day. ” […]


In Defense of My Writing…

“I think it’s best for those who can’t improve the story not to find fault with it. Whether it’s true or not, let him have enjoyment from it who can, and let the others enjoy something that they like better.” […]

Human Affairs

Love and Marriage in the Viking World

“So Thorgerd married Herjolf and went with him to his home, and they came to love one another dearly. Thorgerd quickly proved what an exceptionally capable woman she was, and Herjolf was considered to have enhanced his prestige and standing greatly by winning such a wife as Thorgerd.” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Heavenly Lights Dance

“It also looks as if sharp points were shot from this flame up into the sky; these are of uneven height and in constant motion, now one, now another darting highest; and the light appears to blaze like a living flame.” […]


Your Beauty Gives You Away

“No one will believe that,” said the old man “This child is much more attractive than we are. We’re both completely ugly, and it won’t seem likely that the two of us would have such a child, as horrid as we both are.” […]