Britons and Celts

Origin of Stonehenge

THE SCENE: Whether it is true or not, this 12th century description of how Merlin founded Stonehenge (with African rocks stolen from the Irish) provides us with a lively portrayal of him as a character […]


There’s More Than One Way to Seduce

“For love hath many avenues; the path of pleasure is opened to some by grace, to others by bravery of soul, and to some by skill in accomplishments. Courtesy brings to some stores of Love, while most are commended by brightness of beauty. Nor do the brave inflict a shallower wound on maidens than the comely.” […]

Britons and Celts

Drag Me to Hell

“Thou art now judged, and the Lord hath hardened thy heart against repentance; and whereas thou hast trifled with His long-suffering, hast not heeded warning, and hast proudly refused honour to God, thou shalt on the third day after this be caught up alive by devils into the air at the third hour.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Royal Poisoner

“The King immediately obeyed the advice of the man who had betrayed him, and dropped off to sleep, imagining that he was about to recover his health. The poison ran quickly through his veins and the pores of his body; and thus death, which has the trick of sparing no man, came to him while he slept.” […]

Medieval Mentality

A Heretic Until the End

“I am Eun, who is to come to judge both the quick and the dead, and the world by fire.” He held in his hand a staff of uncommon form, and forked at top; and being asked the meaning of this, he said, “It is a matter of great mystery.” […]