Sex Scandals of the Ancient Emperors

THE SCENE: The Augustan History, one of the most controversial texts in Roman history, reports the Emperor Caracalla’s seduction by his stepmother with all the relish of smut peddler.

THE TEXT: It is of interest to know the way in which he is said to have taken his stepmother Julia as his wife. She was very beautiful and, as if through carelessness, had uncovered the greater part of her body. [Caracalla] said: “I would want to, if it were permitted.” She is said to have replied: “If you wish it, it is permitted. Don’t you know that you are emperor and give out laws and do not suffer under them.” When he heard this his disordered madness was given strength to carry out the crime and he contracted the marriage which he alone could have prohibited.

– The Augustan History, 5th Century AD