THE SCENE: I’ve never read of a cuter beginning to a battle than the passage below, where the infant Svyatoslav is the first one to wield a weapon in anger.
THE TEXT: Olga, together with her son Svyatoslav, gathered a large and valiant army, and proceeded to attack the land of the Derevlians. The latter came out to meet her troops, and when both forces were ready for combat, Svyatoslav cast his spear against the Derevlians. But the spear barely cleared the horse’s ears, and struck against his leg, for the prince was but a child. Then Sveinald and Asmund said, “The prince has already begun battle; press on, vassals, after the prince.” Thus they conquered the Derevlians, with the result that the latter fled, and shut themselves in their cities.
– Tales of Bygone Years, Nestor, 12th Century AD