THE SCENE: While still early in his military career, William Wallace made a name for himself by serving as a one-man wrecking crew when his insurgents stormed the Tower of Gargunnock.
THE TEXT: His hardy men at arms were sent before
To break a bar that held the outmost door.
But they in vain to break it did essay,
Till Wallace fretting at the long delay,
Came on himself, and with a furious shock,
The bar and staple all in flinders broke,
Syne open drave the gate; and therewithal,
Came tumbling down three ell breadth of the wall.
Much marvel did his men, who saw this storm,
And him do more than twenty could perform.
The passage clear’d, into the house they rush’d,
And all that did oppose before them push’d.
A watchman had a felon staff of steel,
Wherewith he Wallace thought at once to kill:
But he recoiling with a little pains,
Soon reft it from him, then dang out his brains.
The captain syne he in the throng did meet,
And with the staff soon laid him at his feet.
His men pursuing slaughter’d all the lave;
No men at arms they order’d were to save.
Women and bairns he would not doom to die,
But let them safely pass unhurt and free:
The gold and wealth the soldier’s prey became:
But Wallace fought for Scotland, and for fame.
Then did a fierce and cruel fight ensure,
As ever was maintained among so few.
But Wallace still the foremost of the fray,
Soon gave the English lowns, right Scotsman’s play,
Oft did he pierce their battle through and through,
And at each onset, many hack’d and slew.
Butler himself, came Wallace to withstand,
But who could grapple Wallace hand to hand?
Sore did the knight the rash adventurer rue;
For with one stroke, his head in sunder flew.
Their chieftain slain, the remnant English fled.
Behind them leaving threescore soldiers dead.
The castle yielding, after some short stay,
They set on fire, then brought their gear away.
– The Life and Heroick Actions of the Renoun’d Sir William Wallace, Blind Harry, 15th Century AD See Less