THE SCENE: From this passage from Marco Polo, it would appear that Kubilai Khan directed his magicians to focus their energy on party tricks, rather than dabbling in nefarious arts.
THE TEXT: Here is another remarkable fact about these enchanters, or Bakhshi as they are called. I assure you that, when the Great Khan is seated in his high hall at his table, which is raised more than eight cubits above the floor, and the cups are on the floor of the hall, a good ten paces distant from the table, and are full of wine and milk and other pleasant drinks, these Balshi contrive by their enchantment and their art that the full cups rise up of their own accord from the floor on which they have been standing and come to the Great Khan without anyone touching them. And this they do in the sight of about 10,000 men. What I have told you is the plain truth without a word of falsehood. And those who are skilled in necromancy will confirm that it is perfectly feasible.
– The Travels, Marco Polo, 14th Century AD
[Image Credit: Marco Polo Before Kublai Khan by Tranquillo Cremona]