THE SCENE: King Hjorvard get tricked out of his sovereignty when he falls for an artless, idiotic prank.
THE ACTION: Some time later, King Hrolf invited his brother-in-law, King Hjorvard, to a feast. One day during the festivities, the two kings found themselves standing together outside. King Hrolf unfastened his belt and, while doing so, he handed his sword to King Hjorvard to hold.
When King Hrolf had fastened his belt again, he took back his sword, saying to King Hjorvard, ‘We both know the old adage that he who holds the sword of a man who is undoing his belt, will from then on be the lesser of the two. Therefore, you are now a king under my rule and you must endure this status as patiently as the others do.’
Hjorvard became enraged at this but nonetheless was obliged to let it stand. Despite his discontent, he delivered his tribute to King Hrolf.
– The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki, 14th Century AD