THE SCENE: A Mongol’s guide for the seeing the great Khan: don’t get mud all over the carpets, don’t shout and yell, and above all don’t spit on the floor.
THE TEXT: I will not omit to tell you about the behavior of the Khan’s people and noblemen when they come into his presence. First, all those who are within half a mile from the Great Khan, wherever he may be, show their reverence for his majesty by conducting themselves deferentially, peacefully, and quietly so that no hub-bub or uproar may be heard, not the voice of anyone shouting or talking loudly. Next, every baron or nobleman continually carries with him a little vessel of pleasing design into which he spits so long as he is in the hall, so that no one may make so bold as to spit on the floor; and when he has spat he cover it and keeps it. Likewise they have handsome slippers of white leather, which they carry about with them. When they have come to court, if they are about to enter the hall at the Lord’s invitation, they put on these white slippers and hand their others to the attendants, so as not to dirty the beautiful and elaborate carpets of silk, wrought in gold and other colors.
– Marco Polo, The Travels, 14th Century AD