THE SCENE: In case you forgot that Vlad the Impaler – aka Dracula – was a stone psycho, here he is enjoying his breakfast amidst writhing corpses.
THE TEXT: Fifty-five ambassadors were sent by the kingdom of Hungary and the Saxons in Siebenburgen to Wallachia. Dracula let these lords wait for five weeks, and had stakes erected before their lodgings, and thus they were deeply concerned. He did this because he feared their betrayal. He went forth to Burzenland and destroyed and destroyed the grain, and had all the crops burned, and he had people captured and brought outside the city called Kronstadt, and there Dracula rested near the chapel of Saint James. He had the suburbs burned. And as the day came, in early morning, he had women and men, young and old, impaled near the chapel and around the hill, and he sat amidst them, and at his morning meal with joy.
– Die Geschicht Dracole Waide, 15th Century AD