Demonic Bureaucracy

THE SCENE: After successfully summoning a demon, the occultist Dr. Faustus quickly discovered that demons are not able to negotiate in their own stead, but instead must get approvals through their own Hellish bureaucracies.

THE TEXT: The spirit immediately rejected the articles, refused Faustus, and explained his reason: that he had not complete authority except in so far as he could obtain it from his lord who ruled over him. He spake: Sweet Fauste, it standeth neither within my election nor authority to fulfill thy desires, but is left to the Hellish god.

Faustus replied: What? How am I to understand thee? Art thou not thine own master? The spirit answered: Nay. Faustus then said to him: Sweet spirit, explain it to me then.

Now thou shalt know, Fauste, said the spirit, that among us there is a government and sovereignty, just as on earth, for we have our rulers and governors and servants–of whom I am one–and we call our kingdom Legion. For although the banished devil Lucifer brought about his own fall through vanity and insolence, he raised up a Legion, nevertheless, and a government of devils, and we call him the Oriental Prince, for he had his sovereignty in Ascension. It is thus a sovereignty in Meridie, Septentrione and Occidente as well. Therefore, inasmuch as Lucifer the fallen angel now hath his sovereignty and principality beneath the Heavens, we must, on account of this transformation, betake ourselves unto mankind and serve them. But with all his power and arts man could not make Lucifer subservient, except that a spirit be sent, as I am sent. Certainly we have never revealed to men the real fundament of our dwelling place, nor our rule and sovereignty. No one knoweth what doth occur after the death of the damned human–who learneth and experienceth it.

Doctor Faustus became alarmed at this and said: Then I will not be damned for thy sake.

– Historia vnd Geschicht Doctor Johannis Faustj des Zauberers, 16th Century AD