THE SCENE: Gudrun was the most beautiful woman in Iceland in her time, culminating in 4 marriages over the course of her life. But in this passage, she reveals to her son Bolli that the greatest love of her life wasn’t even one of the men she married.
THE TEXT: Gudrun now began to get very old, and lived in such sorrow as has now been described. She became the first nun and anchoress in Iceland. It is commonly said that among women of equal birth, Gudrun was the noblest in the land. It is said that on one occasion Bolli came to Helgafell; Gudrun was always pleased when he came to see her. Bolli sat with his mother from a long time, and they talked of many things.
Then Bolli said, “Will you tell me something, mother, that I am very curious to know? Which man did you love the most?” Gudrun replied, “Thorkel was the wealthiest and the greatest chieftain, but no one was more accomplished or capable than Bolli. Thord Ingunnarson was the wisest of them and the greatest lawyer; of Thorvald I have nothing at all to say.” Then Bolli said, “I understand clearly what you are telling me about the qualities of your husbands; but you have not told me yet which man you loved the most. There’s no need to conceal it any longer now.”
“You are pressing me very hard, my son,” said Gudrun. “But if I must tell someone, then I would rather it were you.” Bolli begged her to do so. Then Gudrun said, “I was worst to the one I loved the most.”“I think,” said Bolli, “that the truth has now been told.” And he said she had done right to tell him what he had been so curious to know.
– Laxdaela Saga, 13th Century AD