Choosing Greed Over Victory

THE SCENE: Surprised by a large Saxon force, King Frothi and his men fled from their encampment, leaving behind a large store of treasure. While the Saxon king urged his men to ride on and finish the job, one of his knights argued that it was time instead for plunder.

THE TEXT: The knight had scarcely ended [talking] before every hand on every side could be seen grabbing at the loot, clutching at the gleaming coins. You would have gazed stupefied at the loathsome nature of their greed, this extravagant exhibition of rapacity. Grass and gold were being torn up together, internal disagreements and sword-fights between fellow-countrymen arose without thought of their adversaries, with no respect for the ties of intimacy and brotherhood, everyone grasping, no one friendly.

– Gesta Danorum, Saxo Grammaticus, 12th Century AD