
A Damned Contract

“When these two wicked parties contracted with one another , Doctor Faustus took a penknife, pricked open a vein in his left hand, drained his blood into a crucible, set it on some hot coals and wrote as here followeth.” […]


Portrait of a Great King

“In hunting he was most keen, and on one occasion he caught forty or more wild animals; and although at the banquet he was jovial enough, he never diminished anything of his regal demeanor.” […]


A Soul Sold Cheaply

“He likewise enjoyed cooked fare every day, for he was so cunning in sorcery that when he opened a window and named some fowl he desired, it came flying right in through the window. His spirit also brought him cooked meat of a most princely sort from the courts of the nobility in all territories round about.” […]


An Army of Thieves

“Hence, whenever he saw anyone who was a thief or a robber, but who was strong of arm and well-suited to warfare, he forgave him his just punishment, and sent him to the suburbs of Merseberg, where he distributed lands and arms, ordering these men to commit no depredations on their fellow-citizens but to practice their robberies upon the barbarians as much as they dared.” […]


A Devilish Alternative to Marriage

“If thou canst not live chastely, then will I lead to thy bed any day or night whatever woman thou seest in this city or elsewhere. Whosoever might please thy lust, and whomever thou might desire in lechery, she shall abide with thee in such a figure and form.” […]


The Story of How You Got Damned

“To this very day we still distribute ourselves over all the world, using every sort of guile and rascality, driving men away from the Faith and urging them on to sin and wickedness, that we may strengthen ourselves as best we can against Jesus by plaguing his followers unto death.” […]