
The King Who Pleads Wins

“”Sire,” said they, “we fear the sea, and we are not bound to serve beyond it; speak for us, we pray you, we put the speech upon you. You shall say what you will, and we will do accordingly.” “Do you put it upon me?” said he. “Yes,” said each, “I agree, let us go to the duke; speak for us, for you know our minds.”” […]


Crabs in a Bucket

“I was seated on the ground, taking in those delicious draughts, my face turned up to heaven, my eyes half closed the better to enjoy the toothsome liquor, when the wicked blind man took his revenge. He raised the jug with both hands, and, with all his might, sent it crashing down on my mouth.” […]


Competing Prayers to Capricious Gods

“Frea gave counsel that the women of the Winnili should take down their hair and arrange it upon the face like a beard, and that in the early morning they should be present with their husbands and in like manner station themselves to be seen by Godan.” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Opposite of a Pope

“The romans therefore captured him, held him in prison and, dressing him in a cloak of undressed goatskins reeking with blood, placed this devious antipope, nay antichrist, across the back of that devious animal, the camel.” […]