The Dead Rise
“Sigrid answered, ‘I won’t go out with things as they are! All of those who are dead are standing there before the door; among them I recognize your husband Thorstein and myself as well. How horrible to see it!'” […]
“Sigrid answered, ‘I won’t go out with things as they are! All of those who are dead are standing there before the door; among them I recognize your husband Thorstein and myself as well. How horrible to see it!'” […]
“It was done like this: a small staff, engraved with certain Gothic characters, was thrown towards him by his master, and when Gilbert caught it in his hands he remained fettered and unable to move. Nor could he free himself when he applied his teeth to it, for it was as if they were stuck together with an adhesive pitch, nor with his feet when, on the crafty advice of his master, he tried to use them.” […]
“As the slave cut off the horse’s member, and was about to throw it away, the farmer’s son ran by laughing, caught it, and took it into the parlour. There, his mother was sitting, accompanied by her daughter and the slave-woman. He shook the phallus at them, shouting mocking remarks.” […]
“Grettir swung his short-sword at Hjalti Thordarson’s follower Vikar, striking him on the left shoulder as he jumped down into the hut and cutting right through his shoulders and down his right side. The man was chopped clean in half and his body fell on top of Grettir in two pieces.” […]
“Bjorn gave Ari a choice: either he fight him on the island of Stokkaholm in Surnadal or hand over his wife, Ingibjorg.” […]
“Then they wished their father and mother a good life and set off on their way, journeying until they reached King Hrolf.” […]
“The sword that he bore cut armor and helmets as easily as birch bark, and did not spare the bones or flesh of men.” […]
“They had great faith in a certain cow, and they called her Sibilja. She received so many sacrifices that men could now withstand her bellowing. It was the king’s custom, when an invasion was expected, that this very same cow went in front of the ranks.” […]
“Gizur said: ‘A great chieftain have we laid low now, and it has cost us dear, and his defence will be remembered as long as men live in this land!'” […]
“Dromund took hold of the sword and immediately wielded it and struck at Hook. The blow hit him on the head with such force that it sank down to his jaws. Hook dropped down dead to the ground, ignobly.” […]
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