
The Mundanity of Magic

“As for the power witches have to darken the moon’s beams, raise tempests, uproot trees and plants, and enfeeble cattle and horses, I let these matters alone, well known as they are to everyone who closely investigates these pointless activities.” […]


A Kiss or a Kill

THE SCENE: After the Spanish General El Cid defeated the army of King Bucar of Morocco, he pursued the fleeing monarch to the sea. After cornering Bucar, El Cid offered him one chance at surrender: […]

Britons and Celts

A Poison-Proof Isle

“They found toads brought in by chance in the bottom of the holds. They threw them out still living on to the land; but immediately they turned their bellies up, burst in the middle, and died, while everybody saw and wondered.” […]


The Taxonomy of Magic

“It is not surprising that barbarians yields to their weird hocus-pocus and were led into the rites of a debased religion, since even the intelligent Romans were reduced into worshiping similar mortals with divine honours.” […]

Greek and Roman

One Family Humbles Two Empires

“The princes hesitated over what to do. Should they abandon a great and costly expedition without hope of recovering their losses? Or should they allow the lord pope, the City and the church be cast into slavery, or rather destroyed?” […]


Battle of the Were-Beasts

“King Harek came to his senses and suddenly turned into a wild boar. He seized Herraud with his tusks and tore off all his armor, and sunk his teeth in his breast and ripped off both his nipples to the bone.” […]