Britons and Celts

Blood and Grace

“The cleanness of the strike cleaved the spinal cord and parted the fat and the flesh so far that the bright steel blade took a bite from the floor.” […]

Britons and Celts

Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Coven

“Jean Martein is MAIDEN to the Coven that I am of; and her nickname is “Over the Dyke With It,” Because the DIVILL always takes the Maiden in his hand next to him, when we dance Gillatrypes, he and she will say, “Over the dyke with it!” […]

Britons and Celts

Bloodthirsty Gawain

“Gawain swung round and, with the sword which he brandished, clove him through the helm and head to his chest, bidding him, when he got to hell, to tell Quintillianus that this was why the Britons were so good at boasting and making threats.” […]