
A Famous Fatality

THE SCENE: The “blood-eagle” was a legendary Viking execution method. The passage below represents one of the few instances where an actual blood eagle is described in detail. THE TEXT: Where the armies met each […]

Britons and Celts

A Beast in Battle

“The youthful captain of the Scot in ire,
Us’d to the wars, exerts his glorious fire,
Runs through the crowd, mows them down like grass,
Whilst he invulnerable stands like brass.” […]


A Winning Sea Strategy

“For the soldiers of Hother performed the bidding of their king, and kept off the attack of the spears by a penthouse of interlocked shields; while not a few of the spears smote lightly on the bosses and fell into the waves.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Royal Poisoner

“The King immediately obeyed the advice of the man who had betrayed him, and dropped off to sleep, imagining that he was about to recover his health. The poison ran quickly through his veins and the pores of his body; and thus death, which has the trick of sparing no man, came to him while he slept.” […]


Respect in Death

“The beardless youth was the last survivor. When he saw that he was going to be captured, he climbed a nearby tree and stabbed himself in vital organs until he died.” […]

Britons and Celts

A Song of Slaughter

“Graham sought the haughty chief. And now on high,
His sword that flam’d and lighten’d in the sky,
With whirlwind sound descends, and cleaves his head:
No force of motion could the stroke impede.
The yawning chasm well’d out a purple flood;
Forth rush’d the soul effus’d with with gushing blood.” […]


An Infamous Betrayal

“They directly opened up the cache of arms from which each quietly fitted himself with fighting-gear. Then they made for the palace, broke into the inner chambers and drew their swords on the sleepers.” […]


An Unholy War

Nor was God’s anger withheld from the punishment of these proud and corrupted people; for frequently, as it is said, torrents of unseasonable rain from on high destroyed more of our troops than the sword of the enemy had devoured.” […]