Passages that are all about blood, action, or incredible physical performance.

Four Against One and To the Death
“The sword that he bore cut armor and helmets as easily as birch bark, and did not spare the bones or flesh of men.” […]
Passages that are all about blood, action, or incredible physical performance.
“The sword that he bore cut armor and helmets as easily as birch bark, and did not spare the bones or flesh of men.” […]
“Dromund took hold of the sword and immediately wielded it and struck at Hook. The blow hit him on the head with such force that it sank down to his jaws. Hook dropped down dead to the ground, ignobly.” […]
“The young man took it, turned to one side, unfastened the peace straps and drew the sword. When Thorkel saw that he said, “I did not give you permission to draw the sword.”
“I did not ask your permission,” said the lad.” […]
“Then he rode into the host, hacking through helmets,
Riving off rivets and ripping through shields,
Causing carnage in the ranks but keeping his course,
Rampaging through the rearguard and riding onward,
Then reigning back, that right royal battler,
And returning to the ranks of his own Round Table.” […]
“Frodi invited him to remain there, offering him a half-share of everything. But Bodvar declined. He thought it wrong to kill people for their wealth, and so he prepared to leave.” […]
“You are ugly and evil, and your name will be struck from the list warriors. Your fate is decided now; the woman who bore you will weep for you.” […]
“Gisli, who was out in the woods, heard this and answered, “Find some better employment for your farmhands. Here is a man who dares to fight you.” […]
“Then the true royals of the Round Table
With great gusto went galloping against them,
Though in the melees with their middle guard they were ill matched.
What a marvel to see such a massing multitude!” […]
“Then, just as King Adils was pulling the spear shaft with the ring on it back towards him, King Hrolf galloped up and sliced off both his buttocks right down to the bone.” […]
“Kolskegg said: ‘No need to look! It’s just as you thought; the leg is off!’ Then Kol fell dead to the ground.” […]
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