Britons and Celts

Fear the Cats of Night

When the sheep was cooked and he thought to eat it there came in a cat and she sat by him, and said in Irish, ‘Shane foel’, which is ‘give me some meat’. He, amazed at this, gave her the quarter that was in his hand, which immediately she did eat up, and asked for more.” […]


Just Another Rain of Blood

“It grew so dark that people could not see beyond the home meadow, and they could scarcely distinguish their own hands. So much rain fell from the cloud that all the hay lying on the ground became soaked. The cloud suddenly drew past and the weather cleared up. People could then see that blood had rained down in the shower.” […]


A Blessed Massacre

“On the following day the head of the chieftain was set up in the camp, and around it the decapitated bodies of seven hundred of the captives, and also his chief adviser, with his eyes gouged out and his tongue cut off, was left helpless in the midst of the corpses.” […]


Speaker with the Dead

“Next Thrandur instructed a blazing fire be made in the fire-house, and he had four metal grates placed in a square, and Thrandur himself scored nine furrows in the earthen floor, making nine concentric circles around the square, and he sat down on a stool between the fire and the grated pen. He asked his men not to speak to him, and they stood silently by.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Death of the King of Cats

“a Cat (as he thought) leaped out of a bush before him and called him twice or thrice by his name, but because he made no answer, nor spake (for he was so afraid that he could not) she spake to him plainly twice or thrice these words following.” […]


Stealing from a Satyr

“He knew of a sword which could deal him his death, which was fastened up in the closest bonds; this was in the keeping of Miming, the Satyr of the woods, who also had a bracelet of a secret and marvellous virtue, that used to increase the wealth of the owner.” […]


A People Cursed by God

“They consume everything, even the grass. Like wild beasts, they slaughter our herds. They even eat the vermin that crawl on the earth. No other species multiplies like they do. Not one of them dies without fathering a thousand children.” […]