
Death of the God Osiris

“Typhon then divided the body of the slain man into twenty-six pieces and gave one portion to each of the band of murderers, since he wanted all of them to share in the pollution and felt that in this way he would have in them steadfast supporters and defenders of his rule.” […]

Britons and Celts

Drag Me to Hell

“Thou art now judged, and the Lord hath hardened thy heart against repentance; and whereas thou hast trifled with His long-suffering, hast not heeded warning, and hast proudly refused honour to God, thou shalt on the third day after this be caught up alive by devils into the air at the third hour.” […]


To Answer Before Osiris

“I have not dammed a flowing stream,
I have not quenched a needed fire.
I have not neglected the days of meat offerings,
I have not detained cattle belonging to the god,
I have not stopped a god in his procession.
I am pure, I am pure, I am pure, I am pure!” […]


Gates to the Unknown

“One of them climbs a ladder, which is leaning against the door, and when he reaches the tops step, he strikes the bolt with his hammer. Then, if one applies one’s ear to the door, one hears a muted sound like a nest of wasps. Then everything falls silent again.” […]

Eastern Europe

The Life of a Giant

“In that city the qadi Ya’qub ibn Nu’man informed me that this woman, so exceedingly tall, had killed her husband, who was named Adam and was one of the strongest men in the country. Clasping him to her bosom, she broke his ribs, killing him instantly.” […]


The Princess and the Troll

The maiden went, although she wasn’t willing. When she came so close that she could see the troll clearly, she said, “Will you take food, you big troll?” He turned towards her and glowered at her. She ran away and told the princess that she had now seen clearly that it was a male troll. […]