Human Affairs

King Before Concubine

“Can we guess what affection for his monarch burned in this soldier, who reckoned it better to risk his safety in obvious danger rather than save himself for pleasure.” […]

Greek and Roman

There’s no Escaping Fate

“Cambyses bitterly lamented the cruelty of his lot, and when the Persians saw the king in tears, they tore their clothes, and showed their sympathy by a great deal of crying and groaning.” […]

Eastern Europe

The Death of the Old Gods

There was joy in heaven and upon earth to behold so many souls saved. But the devil groaned, lamenting, “Woe is me! How am I driven out hence! For I thought to have my dwelling-place here.” […]


A God-Given Double

“He himself was amazed, unconscious as he was of having earned praise, and in the end with difficulty realized that the Lord had supplied him with a substitute.” […]