
Speaker with the Dead

“Next Thrandur instructed a blazing fire be made in the fire-house, and he had four metal grates placed in a square, and Thrandur himself scored nine furrows in the earthen floor, making nine concentric circles around the square, and he sat down on a stool between the fire and the grated pen. He asked his men not to speak to him, and they stood silently by.” […]

Britons and Celts

The Death of the King of Cats

“a Cat (as he thought) leaped out of a bush before him and called him twice or thrice by his name, but because he made no answer, nor spake (for he was so afraid that he could not) she spake to him plainly twice or thrice these words following.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Song of the Manuel the Armenian

“Manuel set off, but the emperor was too afraid and did not flow, so he was obliged to turn back again. When the emperor missed his chance again, he came back a third time and threatened him with death if he did not follow. It was thus that, very late in the day and with great difficulty, the emperor was saved.” […]


Stealing from a Satyr

“He knew of a sword which could deal him his death, which was fastened up in the closest bonds; this was in the keeping of Miming, the Satyr of the woods, who also had a bracelet of a secret and marvellous virtue, that used to increase the wealth of the owner.” […]

Medieval Mentality

The Mysterious Ways of the World

“When by night a great streak of fire is seen to shoot downward, these are not falling stars, although we do call them that, but only slaggy pieces from the stars. They are big things, to be sure, and, as is true of the stars themselves, some are much bigger than others. But it is my opinion that no star itself falleth except as a scourge of God.” […]


The Age of Eleanor

“When the king had returned home, together with his wife, branded with the ignominy of not having accomplished his design, their former affection began, by degrees, to grow cold; and causes of dissension arose between them. The queen was highly offended at the behavior of the king, and asserted that she had married a monk, and not a monarch.” […]