
Pride Goes Before a Horn Blow

“Count Roland, racked with agony and pain and great chagrin, now sounds his ivory horn. Bright blood leaps in a torrent from his mouth. The temple has been ruptured in his brain. The horn he holds emits a piercing blast.” […]

Greek and Roman

A Ban on Good Hair

“So he published an edict that everywhere men should cut their hair close to the skin and that no Roman should be permitted to wear his hair below the neck.” […]

Human Affairs

An Everyday Killing

“Gudrun was wearing a tunic with a tight-fitting woven bodice, and a tall head-dress, and round her waist she had tied a fringed sash with dark blue stripes. Helgi Harbeinsson went up to her and took one end of the sash and wiped the blood off the spear with which he had run Bolli through.” […]


An Annoying Devil

“The Pope crossed himself before taking meat, and at that moment Doctor Faustus did blow hard into his face. Every time the Pope crossed himself, Faustus would blow into his face again.” […]

Britons and Celts

Stubbornness of a Virgin King

“Constrained rather than overcome by the entreaties of his mother, that he might not distress her, he yielded a seeming compliance. Joyously attending on her son when he had retired to bed, she placed by his unresisting side a beautiful and noble virgin.” […]


A Tense Standoff

“Then Bjorn made a clever move, taking the knife and walking quickly over towards them. With one hand he grabbed Snorri’s cloak-sleeve when he came up to them, and with the other he grasped the knife and held it as if he were ready to plunge it into Snorri’s chest if he felt like it.” […]


Brave as a Lion… or Not

“The Cid leaned on his elbow and rose to his feet, and leaving his cloak over his shoulder he walked towards the lion. When the lion saw him, it was so taken aback that it hung its head and nosed the ground. Don Rodrigo took it by the neck, let it along with his right hand and put it in the net.” […]