Britons and Celts

Curse of the Irish Werewolf

“here is also in Ireland one nation, whereof for one man and woman are at every seven years end turned into wolves, and so continue in the woods the space of seven years and if they happen to live out the time, they return to their own form again.” […]


A One-Man Seigebreaker

“Sigumundur took a step back from the defenses, and then, running at full speed, he leapt up against them, dug his axe into the walls, and pulled himself up the axe-shaft, and managed to climb up onto the fortification.” […]

Britons and Celts

Gawain the Virgin

“Good morning, Sir Gawain,” said the graceful lady, “You sleep so soundly one might sidle in here. You’re tricked and you’re trapped! But let’s make a truce, or I’ll besiege you in your bed, and you’d better believe me.” […]


The Rage of a Violent Man

“When Roland hears this, God! Is he enraged! He spurs his horse and lets him run all out and goes to strike the count with all his force; he breaks his shield and lays his hauberk open and pierces through his chest and cracks the bones and cuts the spine completely.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Controversial Image of God

“The fire devoured his flesh to the point at which the athlete lost consciousness and lay half-dead. But the grace of God must have determined that he survive to be a spark [to ignite] those who would come after.” […]


A Failed Surprise Gift

“Now Charles had no guess of what was coming; and, though he could not refuse what seemed to have been divinely preordained for him, nevertheless he received his new title with no show of thankfulness.” […]

Human Affairs

Shipwreck Shenanigans

“Throughout the day they saw an enourmous seal swimming in the current; it circled the boat all day. It had huge flippers, and everyone thought its eyes were those of a human. Thorstein told his men to harpoon the seal, but all their attempts failed.” […]

Medieval Mentality

A Satanic Astronaut

“One of the stars, for example, was larger than half the world. A planet is as large as the world. While descending, I did look down upon the world again, and it was no bigger than the yolk of an egg. Why, to me the world seemed scarcely a span long, but the oceans looked to be twice that size.” […]