The Vegetarian King of the World
“Often, moreover, even if there was no religious reason, he dined happily on green vegetables and beans, without meat.” […]
“Often, moreover, even if there was no religious reason, he dined happily on green vegetables and beans, without meat.” […]
“The dashing youth need not have wasted so many words, for the Messinese who were with him, being avid for plunder, already had visions of themselves performing the deed to which Gerbino was inciting them with his oratory. So that when he reached the end of his speech, they filled the air with a thunderous roar of approval, trumpets were sounded, and they all took up their weapons.” […]
“The venerable father and his companions saw how the unhappy man was carried off by a multitude of demons to be tormented and was set on fire among them. He said: ‘Alas for you, my son, that you have received such fate as you have deserved while living.'” […]
“I want to make a deal with you, Aud,” he said. “You tell me where Gisli is and I will give you three hundred pieces of silver, which I have received as the price on his head. In addition, I will arrange a marriage for you that will be superior in every way to this one.” […]
“. They had a force of six thousand cavalry, each of whom had selected from the whole army, for his personal protection, one infantryman of outstanding courage and speed of foot.” […]
“The romans therefore captured him, held him in prison and, dressing him in a cloak of undressed goatskins reeking with blood, placed this devious antipope, nay antichrist, across the back of that devious animal, the camel.” […]
“The Chancellor was in his gown, and besides ancient, and not able to struggle with such a strong fellow. My lord had a little dog with him; said he, “Let us first throw the dog down, and see what sport that will be.” […]
“There is now ice available in Ziranum, much of it. Place your servants there to watch over it so they can keep it safe for you.” […]
“How unsound and insincere is he who says, I have determined to deal with thee in a fair way.- What art thou doing, man? There is no occasion to give this notice.” […]
“And then it visibly appeared to many that a good and a bad angel proceeded by night through the city and as many times as, upon command of the good angel, the bad angel, who appeared to carry a hunting spear in his hand, knocked at the door of each house with the spear, so many men perished from that house on the following day.” […]
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