Passages whose most notable feature is their humor – whether it is intentional or otherwise.
A Stupid Death for a Wicked Man
“His head was cut off, in the presence of all, by an obscure soldier of the adverse party.” […]
Passages whose most notable feature is their humor – whether it is intentional or otherwise.
“His head was cut off, in the presence of all, by an obscure soldier of the adverse party.” […]
Cavorting lustily at play.
She, pleased with the festivities,
Said to the doing fellow, “Please,
Let’s think up names to give my dear,
To your thing there and my cunt here.” […]
“He remarked after a visit to Sparta that he used to wonder at the bravery of the Spartans, but that now, after witnessing what a frugal and utterly miserable life they led, he could only conclude that they were no better than the lowest of men.” […]
–“What are you asking for it, tell?”
–“My lady, for a fuck it’s yours.”
–“Saint Peter help me now, because
I haven’t any fuck to trade!” […]
‘“Where is your foal, sweetheart?” she said.
“Between my legs, my love,” he replied, “and you may touch him, but quietly, since he is very shy.”’ […]
“When the facts had been established, he ordered two oxen of extraordinary size to be cut open suddenly, while still alive, and the soldiers to be thrust one into each, with their heads protruding so that they could talk to each other. ” […]
“The imp came to the gates of Hell
Toting both bag and fart as well,
And tossing the bag down when he entered,
And thereupon the fart was vented.” […]
“But the latter is said to have had at hand many hives of bees, which he broke open and let loose against the duke’s horsemen. The bees tormented the horses with their sings, and made them mad, so that their riders began to be imperiled.” […]
“He turned him over to a hundred comrades, the best and worst together, from the kitchen. These men plucked out his beard and moustache, and each one hit him four times with his fist.” […]
“And behold the iron fell out of the middle, right on the head of the cheating brass founder, killed him on the spot and passed straight through his carcass and crashed to the ground, carrying his bowels and genitals with it.” […]
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