Human Affairs

King Before Concubine

“Can we guess what affection for his monarch burned in this soldier, who reckoned it better to risk his safety in obvious danger rather than save himself for pleasure.” […]

Human Affairs

A Premium Sacrifice

“Sometimes it occurred that even kings were chosen by lot in similar fashion to be sacrificed, and since this was considered to be an offering most favourable for the kingdom.” […]

Human Affairs

Beware Vikings at Play

“They kept pushing the other players around, hitting out at some and knocking them flat. In the evening three had broken arms, and a good many others were bruised and maimed. The Earl’s men felt they’d been given a rough time of it.” […]

Human Affairs

Lovestruck on the Battlefield

“Sohrab bore down on her again and snatched her helmet from her head; her hair streamed out, and her face shone like a splendid sun. He saw that his opponent was a woman, one whose hair was worthy of a diadem.” […]