Human Affairs

How to Talk to a King

“And if the king should happen to speak a few words to you which you did not catch, and you have to ask what he said, do not say “Eh?” or “What?” or make a fuss about it, but use only the word “Sire.” […]

Britons and Celts

Romance of a Scottish Legend

“The lovers met, and now a modest kiss
Lifts up the hero’s soul to laughing bliss.
Love feels the alarm, starts up in fond surprise,
And through his veins anew impetuous flies,
Inflames his soul, and sparkles through his eyes.” […]

Human Affairs

A Hostile Chat Amongst Hostile Folks

“Snaeulfur grabbed a spear and threw it at him. Hafgrimur raised his shield in defense and the spear pierced it deeply, but he was not wounded. The two men parted company as matters stood, and Hafgrimmur sailed home to South Island, very dissatisfied with the meeting.” […]

Greek and Roman

Dangerous Dolls

“Once when Theophilos was infuriated with his wife, and asked the court fool whether “mama” was still kissing her pretty dolls, setting his hand to his lips, the fellow replied: “Hush emperor, hush! Not a word about the dolls!”” […]

Human Affairs

Saintly Dog or Demon Dog?

“The local peasants hearing of the dog’s noble deed and innocent death, began to visit the place and honor the dog as a martyr in quest of help for their sicknesses and other needs. They were seduced and often cheated by the Devil so that he might in this way lead men into error.” […]