Britons and Celts

Welcome Hengist and Horsa

Whenever there occurs a surplus of population of men, the leaders of the different provinces meet together and order the young men of the entire realm to gather before them. They then cast lots and so pick out the most able and the strongest, who must journey off to foreign lands and seek a living for themselves.” […]


The King Who Pleads Wins

“”Sire,” said they, “we fear the sea, and we are not bound to serve beyond it; speak for us, we pray you, we put the speech upon you. You shall say what you will, and we will do accordingly.” “Do you put it upon me?” said he. “Yes,” said each, “I agree, let us go to the duke; speak for us, for you know our minds.”” […]

Britons and Celts

Killing on the Battlements

“The Chancellor was in his gown, and besides ancient, and not able to struggle with such a strong fellow. My lord had a little dog with him; said he, “Let us first throw the dog down, and see what sport that will be.” […]


A Pleasure Dome of Great Renown

“In the midst of this enclosed park, where there is a beautiful grove, the Great Khan has built another large palace, constructed entirely of canes, but with the interior all gilt and decorated with beasts and birds of very skillful workmanship. ” […]

Britons and Celts

Vortigern’s Weakness

“Satan entered his heart, so that the fell in love with Renwein and asked her father to give her to him. I say that Satan entered his heart because, despite the fact that he was a Christian, he was determined to make love with this pagan woman.” […]