THE SCENE: This parable may prove instructive for any lady whose knight pays less attention to love than he does to the petty distractions of life.
THE TEXT: In the reign of Pompey there lived a fair and amiable lady; and near to her residence dwelt a handsome and noble knight. He was in the habit of visiting her frequently, and was much beloved by her. The knight coming once to see her, observed a falcon upon her wrist, which he greatly admired. “Dear lady,” said he, “if you love me, give me that beautiful bird.” “I consent,” returned she, “but on one condition; that you do not attach yourself so much to it as to rob me of your society.” “Far be such ingratitude from your servant,” cried the knight; “I would not forsake you on whatever emergency. And believe me, this generosity binds me more than ever to love you.” The lady presented the falcon to him; and bidding her farewell, he returned to his own castle.
But he derived so much satisfaction from the bird, that he forgot his promise to the lady, and thought but little of her, while every day he sported with the falcon. She sent messengers to him, but it was of no use; he came not: and at last she wrote a very urgent letter entreating him, without the least delay, to hasten to her and bring the falcon along with him. He acquiesced; and the lady, after salutation, requested him to let her touch the bird. No sooner was it in her possession, than she wrenched its head from the body.
“Madam,” said the knight, not a little grieved, “what have you done?” To which the lady answered, “Be not offended, but rather rejoice at what I have done. That falcon was the occasion of your absence, and I killed him that I might enjoy your company as I was wont.” The knight, satisfied with the reason, became once more a regular visitant.
– Gesta Romanorum, 13th Century AD
[Image Credit: A Peregrine Falcon on a Broken Fence by William Brodrick]