Greek and Roman

The Trouble With Cannibals

“It is said to be their custom that when anyone of their fellows, whether man or woman, is sick, a man’s closest friends kill him, saying that if wasted by disease he will be lost to them as meat.” […]


Vagn Keeps His Vows

“The blow went over Vagn causing Thorkel to stumble. He lost his grip on the sword which cut the rope and set Vagn free. Vagn sprang up, seized the sword and slew Thorkell.” […]


Sworn through Sword

“Both lances were broken. They both leapt off their horses and drew their swords. They came together and fought so bravely that neither wanted to flee from the other, not even as far as a foot is wide.” […]

Human Affairs

Lovestruck on the Battlefield

“Sohrab bore down on her again and snatched her helmet from her head; her hair streamed out, and her face shone like a splendid sun. He saw that his opponent was a woman, one whose hair was worthy of a diadem.” […]


Words of Dead Worlds: Guest and Host

The words “guest” and “host” are two sides of the same coin — they’re related concepts but they have opposite meanings. Strangely, they are both descended from the same proto-indo-european root: ghosti, which meant “stranger” […]