
Victory for the People

“Some reached the ships again, but in their terror they missed their footing and plunged into the water, while others overloaded some of the boats and capsized them so that as a result only a very few survived.” […]


A Violent Brew

“And with this nourishment and [the brothers’] persuasion and everything else, Guttorm became so violent and fierce that he promised to do the deed.” […]


Attuned to the Old Ways

“After a moment, Thrandur climbed out and sniffed the air like a hound tracking a scent: he barked that no one should talk to him, and he kept this up until he made his way to a chasm which spanned the island of Skufey.” […]

Britons and Celts

Beware the Red Swine

“They are so cunning that they can change the shapes of things as they list at their pleasure & so deceive the people thereby that an act was made in Ireland, that no man should buy any red swine.” […]


Pride Goes Before a Horn Blow

“Count Roland, racked with agony and pain and great chagrin, now sounds his ivory horn. Bright blood leaps in a torrent from his mouth. The temple has been ruptured in his brain. The horn he holds emits a piercing blast.” […]

Greek and Roman

A Ban on Good Hair

“So he published an edict that everywhere men should cut their hair close to the skin and that no Roman should be permitted to wear his hair below the neck.” […]

Human Affairs

An Everyday Killing

“Gudrun was wearing a tunic with a tight-fitting woven bodice, and a tall head-dress, and round her waist she had tied a fringed sash with dark blue stripes. Helgi Harbeinsson went up to her and took one end of the sash and wiped the blood off the spear with which he had run Bolli through.” […]