Britons and Celts

A Respectful Difference of Opinion

“It appears that whatever Geoffrey has written either of Arthur, or his successors, or predecessors, is a fiction, invented either by himself or by others, and promulgated either through an unchecked propensity to falsehood, or a desire to please the Britons, of whom vast numbers are said to be so stupid as to assert that Arthur is yet to come.” […]


How to Bury a Zombie

“They rode up along the ridge and came into Thorsdardal, where they broke open Thorolf’s cairn. Thorolf’s body had not decayed but he was very hideous to look at.” […]

Britons and Celts

How to Shield Your Sins from Demons

“It is worth recording that in Poitou in our own time there was a woman possessed of a devil, which devil used to speak through her mouth, arguing and disputing most cleverly and astutely with intelligent and well-informed people.” […]


The Abdication of Odin

“But the gods, whose chief seat was then at Byzantium, seeing that Odin had tarnished the fair name of godhead by divers injuries to its majesty, thought that he ought to be removed from their society.” […]

Human Affairs

A Wedding for the Ages

“The elephants and musicians, and the various banners of red, white, yellow, and purple silk, made the earth seem like a paradise: with the blare of trumpets and the sound of harps, the squeal of bugles and the ringing of bells, it seemed as if Judgment Day had come.” […]

Eastern Europe

Dracula’s Breakfast

“And as the day came, in early morning, he had women and men, young and old, impaled near the chapel and around the hill, and he sat amidst them, and at his morning meal with joy.” […]


Lady Godiva Bares All

“Mount your horse, and ride naked, before all the people, through the market of the town, from one end to the other, and on your return you shall have your request.” […]

Greek and Roman

The Churn of Battle

“Thoas speared him as he swerved and sprang away, the lancehead piercing his chest above the nipple plunged deep in his lung, and Thoas, running up, wrenched the heavy spear from the man’s chest, drew his blade, ripping him across the belly, took his life but he could not strip his armor.” […]