THE SCENE: In this quick parable a donkey makes an “ass” of himself, and the author sees a parallel with those who claim to understand the word of God.
THE TEXT: There was a certain king who had a singular partiality for little dogs that barked loudly; so much so, indeed, that they usually rested in his lap. Being long accustomed to eat and sleep in this situation, they would scarcely do either elsewhere: seeming to take great pleasure in looking at him, and putting their paws upon his neck; and thus the king got much amusement from their antics.
Now, it happened that an ass, who noticed this familiarity, thought to himself, “If I should sing and dance before the king, and put my feet round his neck, he would feed me also upon the greatest dainties, and suffer me to rest in his lap.” Accordingly, quitting his stable, he entered the hall, and running up to the king, raised his clumsy feet with difficulty around the royal neck. The servants, not understanding the ass’s courteous intention, imagined that he was mad; and pulling him away, belaboured him soundly. He was then led back to the stable.
Application: My beloved, the king is Christ; the barking dogs are zealous preachers. The ass is anyone who, without the necessary qualifications, presumes to take upon himself the interpretation of the word of God.
– Gesta Romanorum, 13th Century AD
[Image Credit: January ,Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry by Limbourg Brothers]