Arrogance of an All-Conquering Tyrant

THE SCENE: Considering that he was one of the greatest conquers in the ancient world, perhaps we can forgive the Assyrian king Assur-Nasir-Paz for his lack of modesty.

THE TEXT: In those days by the decree of the great gods to royalty power supremacy I rose up: I am a King, I am a Lord, I am glorious, I am great, I am mighty, I have arisen, I am Chief, I am a Prince, I am a warrior, I am great and I am glorious, Assur-nasir-habal, a mighty King of Assyria, proclaimer of the Moon-god, worshipper of Anu, exalter of Yav, suppliant of the gods am I, servant unyielding, subduing the land of his foeman, a King mighty in battle, destroyer of cities and forests, Chief over opponents, King of the four regions, expeller of his foes, prostrating all his enemies, Prince of a multitude of lands of all Kings Even of all, a Prince subduing those disobedient to him, who is ruling all the multitudes of men.

– The Annals of Assur-Nasir-Pal, 9th Century BCE