An Annoying Devil

THE SCENE: Armed with the power of black magic as well as a demon as a familiar, the occultist Dr. Faustus was capable of all kinds of mischief… and yet he spends his time secretely annoying the Pope.

THE TEXT: The good Lord Faustus, having had little good meat and drink for some time, came and stood invisible before the Pope’s board, even as he was about to eat. The Pope crossed himself before taking meat, and at that moment Doctor Faustus did blow hard into his face. Every time the Pope crossed himself, Faustus would blow into his face again. Once he laughed aloud, so that it was audible in the whole hall; again, he did weep most convincingly. The servants knew not what this might portend, but the Pope told his people it was a damned soul of which he had exacted penance and which was now begging for absolution. Doctor Faustus enjoyed this very much, for such mystifications well pleased him, too.

When the last course finally arrived and was set before the Pope, Doctor Faustus, feeling his own hunger, raised up his hands, and instantly all the courses and fine dishes together with their platters flew right into them. Together with his spirit he then rushed away to a mountain in Rome called the Capitolium, there to dine with great relish. Later he sent his spirit back with an order to fetch the daintiest wines from the Pope’s table together with the finest goblets and flaggons.

– Historia vnd Geschicht Doctor Johannis Faustj des Zauberers, 16th Century AD